The 1st of September is World Letter Writing day which this year fell on a Saturday.

The day before I visited a Catholic primary school in Sydney Australia as part of World Letter Writing Day. I spoke to children from the ages of 5 to 12 & they all wrote a letter, many of them for the very first time. One of the children had finished writing his letter & gave me his envelope. I looked at the envelope & it read: Adress Heven & in the corner he wrote: To God. I was a little confused & asked him who he wanted to send his letter to, the girl that was sitting next to him then said to me, “his mum died so he wants to send his letter to his mum in heaven”. I took a deep breath & said to him, “Would you like me to take this to the priest for you & ask him to say a prayer for your mum”? He said yes & started to do a drawing. It was an emotional moment for me.

Later that day I had the chance to speak to the boys teacher & I told him what had happened, he told me that the boy hadn’t really spoken about his mum but recently he had started writing to his mum which was the boys way of dealing with the loss of his mum & also in his own way, he felt like he had contact with his mum.

Never Underestimate The Power of Writing A Letter To Someone.