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To: World Letter Writing Day

"Handwriting is your DNA, It's your fingerprint that only you can share with others. Pick up a pen or pencil & write a letter today"


What are the benefits and challenges of writing letters for different purposes and audiences?

Writing letters may seem like an old-fashioned or outdated form of communication, but it can still offer many benefits and…

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From me, with love: the lost art of letter writing

Three years ago, novelist Jon McGregor invited strangers to send him a letter in the post. Scribbled notes and love…

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World Letter Writing Day Founder Richard Simpkin Interview Studio 10

Richard Simpkin founded World Letter Writing Day in 2014. He visits schools to do letter writing workshops with kids. He encourages children & adults to take a break from social media & write a letter to someone. Richard & his son Oliver appeared on Studio 10 in September 2019 to talk about why its important to write letters.

World Letter Writing Day Workshops

Richard Simpkin; best-selling author & founder of World Letter Writing Day is conducting some
very special writing workshops throughout Australia.

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